Milestone Events Group Logo

Innovations in Event Management

A Message from Milestone Events group

Does Your Event Pipeline Resemble These Empty Shelves?

Fires, pandemic, more fires, clearly reasons why any normal shelf might be a bit bare.

We have found more targeted advertising dollars spent on inquiries will yield results.

Interested in learning how to get those inquiries to help restock your shelves without having to expend the dollars?

We look forward to showing you how we can help.

Successful event marketing tactics have been shifting for years.   

As consumers emerge from the COVID era, many of these shifts will have accelerated and sites that hope to return to the old days and old ways will find they are not achieving the success they had envisioned.  Paid web based marketing and marketing tools are now integral foundational elements to enabling site sales success. 

It currently takes 75 web sessions to generate a single inquiry and then 3.5 inquires to generate one site tour.   Backing up from your objectives into the metrics of your web  volume are critical to determining if you can get there from here.  If you are unsure how to do that, click here to review our Marketing Guide that acts as a roadmap to create a world class inquiry generation system for your business.

About Milestone

milestone helps sites maximize event capacity for greater event-related revenue

Over nearly 7 years, Milestone has helped wineries, ranches & other permitted venues maximize income and reduce event related stress while generating hundreds of five star reviews. 

Cases of wine sold
0 +
Guests to our network sites
0 +
Revenue share checks distributed
$ 0 +